Author archive for Luca Indemini

  • The number of members of the consortium rises to 86 with Unidata

    TOP-IX gives a warm welcome to Innovative SME Unidata in the Consortium [ed. “Piccole e Medie Imprese Innovative” are those…

  • TOP-IX Meeting: Open Networking at the center of the discussion

    Tuesday, December 4 was held the second TOP-IX Meeting of 2018, an event dedicated to partners and members of the…

  • Boccardo new president of the Fixed Wireless Access Coalition

    Since yesterday, Enrico Boccardo is the new president of Cfwa, the Coalition of Fixed Wireless Access, committed to breaking down…

  • Venetian chronicles from the 33rd Euro-IX Forum

    The 33rd EURO-IX Forum opened yesterday morning in the wonderful setting of Venice Opening now the Euroix33. Top-ix is presenting…

  • TOP-IX technical sponsor of #CIKM2018

    The 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management takes place on October 22-26, 2018 at Lingotto. The 2018…

  • Network Freeze in the central week of August

    TOP-IX network freeze is scheduled from next Aug 13th to J17th. For any new or upgrade request before the holiday…

  • Big Dive 7: mobility is the core of the final projects

    The seventh edition of Big Dive ended, with the usual presentation of the final projects, realized by the “divers” during…

  • TOP-IX joins MANRS initiative

    Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative, supported by the Internet Society, that provides crucial fixes…

  • TOP-IX Meeting / Cloud Connectivity: what happened

    Data security, types of cloud platforms on the market today, different ways to access the cloud, what is the role…

  • Submarine fiber optic cables against earthquakes and tsunamis

    Submarine fiber optic cables represent a fundamental element of the Internet, allowing the connection at very high speeds between geographic…
